07: Hugonnier / Guimarães & Akhøj / Henrot

4 April, 2014 - 21:00

Three investigations into the mysterious potential of planet Earth, the landscapes that shape its surface as well as the creatures that dwell on it, and its surrounding universe. Commenting on how we appropriate knowledge about it and often force a constructed narrative on perceived realities.

Apicula Enigma

Marine Hugonnier

Apicula Enigma, which means the mystery of the bee, was shot in Austria, in the Koshuta mountains of southern Carinthia. Hugonnier tries to show how images of nature are selected, staged and formed into stories thus positioning herself against the conventions that compromise the image and narrative of wild-life film documentaries . As in some of Hugonnier’s earlier film projects, the working process forms part of the narrative and content of the artwork.

Captain Gervasio’s Family

Tamar Guimarães & Kasper Akhøj

A silent film shot on grainy, black and white 16mm exploring a Spiritist community in Palmelo, Brazil, a city of 2000 inhabitants, half of whom are psychic mediums in contact with another world. Together they still practice what is known as ‘the magnetic chain’, the joining of hands, to treat different kinds of illnesses, including mental ones. As a starting point Guimarães and Akhøj used a map, which a particularly sensitive spiritist drew, charting twenty astral cities hovering above the whole of the Brazilian territory.

Grosse Fatigue

Camille Henrot

Camille Henrot set herself the challenge of telling the story of the universe’s genesis using a long poem delivered in the style of spoken word, that mixes scientific history with Creation stories belonging to religious, hermetic and oral traditions in a joyous syncretism. Grosse Fatigue emerged from the artist’s fellowship at the Smithsonian institution and contains shots unveiling the treasures hidden away in the prestigious collections. By adding images that are found on the internet and scenes filmed in locations as diverse as a pet store and a domestic interior that appear like pop-ups at the screen’s surface, she perfectly encapsulates our anxious, knowledge-thirsty contemporary moment.