Selection 5: Sílvia das Fadas
In the presence of Sílvia das Fadas
Courtisane is een platform voor film en audiovisuele kunsten. In de vorm van een jaarlijks festival, filmvertoningen, gesprekken en publicaties onderzoeken we de relaties tussen beeld en wereld, esthetiek en politiek, experiment en engagement.
Courtisane is a platform for film and audiovisual arts. Through a yearly festival, film screenings, talks and publications, we research the relations between image and world, aesthetics and politics, experiment and engagement.
In the presence of Sílvia das Fadas
De anarchist António Gonçalves Correia en zijn experimenten met communes – eerst de Comuna da Luz (De Commune van het Licht) in Vale de Santiago/Odemira (1917-18), daarna de Comuna Clarão (De Gloeiende Commune) in Albarraque/Sintra (1926) – vormden de inspiratiebron voor Light, Blaze, Fulgor — Auguries for a Non-hierarchical Framing and Flourishing. Deze expanded film, die doorheen verschillende versies van gedaante verandert, anticipeert een de-hiërarchisering van het kijken en probeert tegelijkertijd een pedagogie van land en convivialiteit in de bioregio Alentejo aan te reiken.
Stubbornly looking at the ruins of a commune we search for auguries. For instance: ‘Fair weather for drifters. We wander by foot across times, erratically shooting images and recording sounds through the kaleidoscopic spatiality of Alentejo, a Portuguese region named after a river, beyond a river. As walking offers unexpected encounters and co-presences, missives are sent to and from the margins. For instance: ‘growing organs for the alternative.’ Our senses are partial, precarious and fragmentary, but not our orientation: There is an everyday struggle for the fulgor being fought and we want to be in it. Against a firmament of dispossession of land, bodies and social bonds, we are getting ready. For instance: ‘On the level!’ The fulgor is mobile, the prefigured community dispersed and diverse. Through dissent and associations of affinity, autonomy and re-enchantment, the offer of cinema could be to let us flourish in non-hierarchical frames. (Sílvia das Fadas)
2 x 16mm projectoren, English spoken