Please make a reservation before Monday 2nd of October by filling out this form
Met de steun van SOFAM.
Courtisane is een platform voor film en audiovisuele kunsten. In de vorm van een jaarlijks festival, filmvertoningen, gesprekken en publicaties onderzoeken we de relaties tussen beeld en wereld, esthetiek en politiek, experiment en engagement.
Courtisane is a platform for film and audiovisual arts. Through a yearly festival, film screenings, talks and publications, we research the relations between image and world, aesthetics and politics, experiment and engagement.
Please make a reservation before Monday 2nd of October by filling out this form
Met de steun van SOFAM.
PAM (Platform for Audiovisual and Media arts) has grown out of a diverse assembly of organisations working with audiovisual, sound, or media arts. Today, it also includes a broader community of individuals, artists, curators, producers, and organisations active in these fields. PAM aims to exchange knowledge, tools, and resources by meeting regularly and discussing shared concerns.
This edition of PAM will be hosted by kunstencentrum nona and will focus specifically on the field of audiovisual arts and film. The needs and hurdles faced by artists working with film and video will take centre stage in roundtable discussions. We will gather to share our questions, concerns and trajectories in the field of audiovisual arts. On this occasion the artists of Brussels-based production and distribution platform Auguste Orts, curators of the 10th edition of the Contour Biennial of Moving Images, will give an introduction about their curatorial practice and the biennial. Participating audiovisual artists of the biennial, filmmakers and students join us to discuss our and their experiences, challenges and practices.
Schedule Friday October 6th
10:00: Welcome with coffee & tea.
10:30: General introduction, followed by a round of participants shortly introducing themselves, introduction by the curators of Contour Biennial.
11:30: We break out in various smaller groups to discuss topics raised by the participants.
12:30: Lunch – soup
13:00: Enjoy the Contour Biennale!