PAM p.m. 7

16 September, 2022 - 15:00
Cas-co, Leuven

PAM (Platform voor audiovisuele en mediakunsten) organiseert maandelijkse bijeenkomsten, genaamd PAM p.m., tijdens dewelke kunstenaars, curators, en organisaties uit het veld, in gesprek kunnen gaan met elkaar. Alle mogelijke onderwerpen kunnen aan bod komen: fondsenwerving, productie en co-productie, auteurschap, inclusie,…

PAM p.m. 7

<p>PAM (Platform for Audiovisual and Media Arts) has grown out of a diver&shy;se assem&shy;bly of orga&shy;ni&shy;za&shy;ti&shy;ons and prac&shy;ti&shy;ti&shy;o&shy;ners wor&shy;king with moving ima&shy;ge, sound art, or media art. PAM invi&shy;tes any&shy;o&shy;ne who works in media arts to meet, to dis&shy;cuss com&shy;mon issues and to sha&shy;re know&shy;led&shy;ge and tools about the devel&shy;op&shy;ment, pro&shy;duc&shy;ti&shy;on, dis&shy;tri&shy;bu&shy;ti&shy;on, pre&shy;sen&shy;ta&shy;ti&shy;on, and reflec&shy;ti&shy;on of audio&shy;vi&shy;su&shy;al and media arts. This PAM is orga&shy;ni&shy;zed in the con&shy;text of Misoogst, an inter&shy;ac&shy;ti&shy;ve mee&shy;ting in Cas-co in Leuven of ini&shy;ti&shy;a&shy;ti&shy;ves and artists who work on green struc&shy;tu&shy;res, eco&shy;lo&shy;gy and (urban) agri&shy;cul&shy;tu&shy;re. At the cross&shy;roads of art and agri&shy;cul&shy;tu&shy;re, they pre&shy;sent their prac&shy;ti&shy;ces and pro&shy;vi&shy;de insight into their rela&shy;ti&shy;ons&shy;hip with all non-human enti&shy;ties that sur&shy;round us. Werktank invi&shy;ted Katinka de Jonge, Julia Eckhardt, Christophe De Boeck, Aernoudt Jacobs and Cirkel Mediakunst Leuven. You can join them in a round table about a spe&shy;ci&shy;fic theme.</p><p>more info on the 4 ronde tafels&nbsp;<strong style="font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10px;"><a style="font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10px;" href="">here<...